Dear Healthy Holidays Family,

Thank you for taking part in the Healthy Holidays programme. We want to know what families need over the summer holidays and whether our programme makes a difference. Please could you let us know by completing this online survey?

For more information about the survey please keep reading.

Thank you for signing up for the Healthy Hampers and summer holiday activity guide. We’re working with Sheffield Hallam University to evaluate our Healthy Holidays programme and your views and experiences are really important to us. Please read through this information sheet and follow the link below to the online survey if you would like to take part.

Why are we doing this study?

The school holidays can be a stressful time for some families. Healthy Holidays is about being active and eating well; we want to know what helps to keep families healthy over the summer and whether our Healthy Holidays programme makes a difference.

Why have I been asked to take part?

You’ve been contacted because you have signed up for the Healthy Hampers (food & recipes); we’d like to know how you’re feeling now and at the end of the summer.

Do I have to take part?

The evaluation is entirely optional but your answers will help us to better understand what families want and need to help them stay healthy over the summer holidays.

What do I have to do?

You will be asked to complete short online questionnaire at the start of the summer holidays (July/Aug) and again in September when the children return to school. Each questionnaire should take less than 10 mins to complete. The first set of questions will ask about your priorities for keeping your family healthy, physical activity and healthy eating. In September we will ask about your experiences during the summer holidays and of the Healthy Holidays. There are also some general questions about you and your family, such as number of people in household and whether your child has free school meals.

What will happen to the information I provide?

Your responses will be analysed to explore what is important for families PLUS how local services can respond. The results will be presented in a report to the Healthy Holidays steering group and may also be presented at a conference or published in academic journals or relevant industry publications.

Data protection and confidentiality

All information collected via the online questionnaire will be confidential unless concerns arise that require information to be disclosed to a third party e.g. safeguarding concerns. Under normal circumstances, any personal information about you will only be seen by the research team and before publication your responses will be anonymised to remove any personal information that may allow you to be identified. For information about data protection and GDPR please see the information below.

If you have any questions or queries about this evaluation please contact Rachel Rundle (Research Lead). We hope you are willing to share your experiences with us; If you would like to participate please click on survey link: CLICK TO FILL IN OUR SURVEY

Thank you for your time.

Dr Rachel Rundle ( )
Food & Nutrition Group,
School of Business Technology & Engineering,
Sheffield Hallam University,
City Campus, S1 1WB

Information about GDPR and Data Protection

On the 25th May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) replaced the Data Protection Act and now governs the way that organisations use personal data. Personal data is information relating to an identifiable living individual. Transparency is a key element of the GDPR and this Privacy Notice is designed to inform you:
• how and why the University uses your personal data for research,
• what your rights are under GDPR, and,
• how to contact us if you have questions or concerns about the use of your personal data.

Legal Basis for Research Studies:

The University undertakes research as part of its function for the community under its legal status. Data protection allows us to use personal data for research with appropriate safeguards in place under the legal basis of public tasks that are in the public interest. A full statement of your rights can be found at: However, all University research is reviewed to ensure that participants are treated appropriately and their rights respected. This study was approved by UREC with Converis number ER25414094. Further information at

Details of who to contact if you have any concerns after the study are given below:

You should contact the Data Protection Officer if:

• you have a query about how your data is used by the University
• you would like to report a data security breach (e.g. if you think your personal data has been lost or disclosed inappropriately)
• you would like to complain about how the University has used your personal data

You should contact the Head of Research Ethics (Professor Ann Macaskill) if:

• you have concerns with how the research was undertaken or how you were treated

Postal address: Sheffield Hallam University, Howard Street, Sheffield S1 1WBT Telephone: 0114 225 5555

Right to Withdraw

You are free to withdraw from the study if you change your mind after you have completed the survey online. Please contact a member of the research team (below) and your data will be removed and you will not be contacted for the follow-up survey in September 2020. However, once the data has been anonymised, analysed and is ready for publication it will not be possible to remove your individual responses therefore please contact a member of the research team as soon as possible if you wish to withdraw.

If you have any queries please contact the Research Team:
Dr Rachel Rundle (research lead)
Food & Nutrition Group, BTE,
Sheffield Hallam University,
City Campus, S1 1WB